The Most Popular Pictures On The Phone

The cheapest cell phone ever.
The first cell at the United States counterparts in 1979 was intended only for the surviving buyers. His price, which was $3,895, exceeded even the cost of Toyota Corolla, and a minute of conversation cost more than a gallon of petrol.
The cheapest cell phone, this real budget model is not equipped with a alarm, calendar, lighting and game. It's not just memory cards and cameras, but even SMS support and address book. HOP1800's goal is to get a number and call like old times.
Smallest mobile phone
In 2011, a new champion was posted on the Ginness Book of Records. The sWaP Nova miniature cell phone, first shown by the public at the IFA 2010 Berlin exhibition, is so small that it can be used as braces. The machine weighs only 43 grams, and its size as a derogatory credit card does not affect the function. sWaP Nova is equipped with a sensor screen built by a book reader and an operating system supporting eight languages. Thanks to a special module, one-way hand mobilization becomes a normal USB-port float.sWaP Nova is the smallest mobile phone for the convenience of phone calls, BLUETOOTH-garnite kits with USB wireless charger and headphones. A baby with a weight of not more than 40 grams can hold up to 2, 5 hours of continuous conversation and even reproduce videos.
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