Telephone Pictures

Anatoly Lkovov
Born in 1981 in Gornozavodsk. It was okay, dad loved mom, mom loved dad, they loved me. In time, I began to notice how family divisions began, but I still loved them and asked them to have a brother. During the pregnancy, my dad used to drink and beat Mom, and it was really hard for me to watch, and then I was about seven or eight years old. There was a lot of trouble, and to get over it, I went outside.
To show up, for the first time, I tried wine and cigarettes, I didn't like it much, I thought it was some kind of nonsense, but everyone said it was awesome and fashionable. To get it all, I needed money, I started stealing and lying. That's what I forget about all the problems that were around me and fill out the void that was inside. About 17 years, I started using drugs, marijuana and heroin, and by that time my parents were separated. By that time, I had a brother I love. Soon, I started having trouble with the police, and I didn't go to high school. When I was enlisted in the army, and I made it, the first time I was through a wreck, the first time I got scared and started thinking about how I lived. I was afraid to go outside, police came after me almost every morning, but I didn't open the door. I decided to join the army, came to the military station and told them the whole truth that I wanted to serve. I thought the army could discipline me and start a new life. They took me to the army in a short time.
And how I planned it all happened. After the army, I went to work, met a girl, we had a baby. It was a time when things started to be good, and then they started to come to life's difficulties, disagreements, what was inside that memory of the past, I realized that I couldn't handle it alone, that it wasn't right, I loved my wife and child. I had a conflict in my mind between the streets, drugs and my family. I thought I could control it, but I couldn't. I started to use drugs in secret from the people close to me and my family, but in time they found out about everything, they started fighting in the family. My family broke up, I got fired from work, I lost all my life. That pain that was inside me, I tried to silence drugs, alcohol, various parties, all that peace offered me.

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